Mother. Daughter. Wife. Teacher. Artist. Adventure Seeker. Gardener. Baker. DIYer.

Laughter and Learning.

Free Spirit Kids began one sunny afternoon as I sat on the floor of our living room reading a story with my daughter. I suddenly had a grand realization that I could bring all of the different hats I wear (come on, moms- you know what I mean!) together into one. As a wife, mother, teacher, artist, and naturalist, I had realized that I could bring all of these together to create and share Montessori and nature-based materials that I had made for my daughter and students.

Free Spirit Kids has brought together all of the most important things in my life; being a mother- I use many of these materials with my toddler-age daughter; being a teacher- I work with preschool-aged children who are always so eager to learn and laugh; being an artist- I have an absolute need to create; being a naturalist- our family has a strong connection to the natural-world and exploring the outdoors.

Why "Free Spirit?" When my husband and I first moved to the Shenandoah Valley, we were both known as free spirits that didn't stay in one place for very long. After marrying, having our daughter, and buying a homestead where we were able to put down some roots, we're "starting" to settle down (but are still very free-spirited within!)

Thank you for supporting our home business (and all the things that we love!) We look forward to sharing our ever-growing creations with you!                             

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